Конспекти уроків

6  клас
Тема:  «Спорт  в  нашому  житті».  “Sport  in  our  life”

Мета:  актуалізувати  відомості  з  теми  «Спорт» 
удосконалювати  навички  читання,  перекладу, 
сприяти  вживанню  лексики  в  мовленнєвій  діяльності, 
формувати  монологічне  і  діалогічне  мовлення   на  основі  вивченої  лексики, 
розвивати  пам'ять,  мислення,  творчу  уяву,  комунікативні  здібності, 
виховувати позитивне ставлення  до вивчення англійської мови, до занять спортом, дотримання правил здорового способу життя
Обладнанняпідручник, Презентація “Sport  in  our  life”
Тип  уроку:  формування  знання,  умінь  та  навичок.
Хід  уроку:
І. Підготовка  до  сприйняття  іншомовного  мовлення:
1.                  Привітання
T: Good morning, my dear children. I am very glad and happy to see all of you today.
      2.   Повідомлення  теми   та  мети  уроку.
T:  Sit  down,  please.  How  are  you?  I  hope  you  are  well.  Let’s  start  our  English  lesson  now.  Today  in  the  lesson  we  are  going  to  speak  about  different  kinds  of  sport,  you  will  speak  about  your  favorite  sports.   You  know,  sport  is  very  important  to  everybody,  Do  you  agree  with  me?
P1:  Yes.  I  do.  If  you  go  in  for  sport,  you  get  healthy,  strength  and  fun.
T:  Well,  and  the  motto  of  our  lesson  is  “Sport  is  health,  strength,  and  fun”.  Translate  it,  please.  (один  із  учнів   перекладає).
3.      Уведення  в   іншомовну  атмосферу.
 Фонетична зарядка I like riding by bicycle
I’m fond of playing chess
My friend is good at judo
We are keen as you can guess
The proverb reads for everybody
«A sound mind in a sound body»
            Discussion. Бесіда за змістом вірша
Exercise «Microphone»
-          What kinds of sport do you know?
-          What is your favourite sport?
-          Do you like sport?
-          Do you like to ride a bike?      
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
1.      T: What do you do to be healthy? What do you suggest and individual shoud do to keep fit?
Discuss it in pairs.
Possible answers;
            - get rid of bad habits;
            - do much exercise;
            - avoid eating junk food;
            - eat vitamins;
            - go in for sports.
Введення нової лексики ( Ex. 1, p.78)
2 Тренування лексики
-Look at the blackboard we have some words with missing letter. Your task is to write the right word and name the missing letter
(sw…mming, tenni…, winds…rfing, f…tball, k…rate, a…robics, volle…ball, basketb…ll, j…do, cy…ling, s…ateboar…ing, at…letics)
- Use the pictures on your tables to make sentences what sports do you and your friends like. (I like to play basketball, my friend likes to go swimming.). Use the screen to help you.
I like to (play, go, do)
My friend likes to (play,go,do)

II. Основна  частина  уроку
1.      Робота з текстом
А) Перед-текстове завдання
Read and say why it is important to go in for sport
b) While-reading activities p 79 ex 3
с)Після-текстове завдання  p 79 ex 4
      2.  Розвиток  мовленнєвих  навичок
p 79 ex 5 Робота в парах
3. Фізхвилинка
- We are not only do sports after the lessons we also can do some exercises in the class. Lets sing a song and dance
Put your right hand in
Put right hand out
Put your right hand in
And shake it all about
Do the hockey-pockey
And turn around
That is all about
4.Граматика. Прислівник в англійській мові.
p. 80, ex. 6

III. Заключна  частина  уроку
1.      Домашнє  завдання
T:Your  homework  will   be  to  write  a  short  story  about your  favourite  sport.
      2. Підведення  підсумків  уроку
-  We continue to study this interesting theme on the next lessons.
- Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.

8 клас
Topic:  «Mass Media»

·        Enrich students’ knowledge on the topic «Mass Media»;
·        Develop learners’ skills of intensive reading ;
·        Practice listening and writing skills;
·        Develop students’ cognitive and creative skills.
Learning  outcomes:
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
·        Use words and expressions related to the topic «Mass Media» in speaking;
·        Answer true-false questions about Mass Media;
·        Talk about  advantages and disadvantages of watching TV;
·        Discuss the problem of advertising on TV and radio;

I. Introduction
1. Greeting
T: Good morning students! Glad to see you. I’m sure everybody is all right. Let’s make our lesson interesting and useful.
2. Warming up
T. Finish my sentence and repeat it completely:
1.     I like watching…
2.     My mother’s favourite TV programme is…
3.     I watch TV…
4.     Have you ever listened to ..?
5.     The popular magazines for teenagers are…
6.     Sometimes I read a …
7.     My friends like watching films about…
8.      “The Times” is a very popular newspaper in …
So, as you guess the topic of our lesson is « Mass-Media».
As we know, the 21st century is considered as an information age. People are united into one global community with the help of the mass media. They can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using the new technologies.
Today we are going to speak about mass media. Because they actually rule the world and play a very important part in our lives.
II. Main part of the lesson
1. Speaking
T. How do you understand the word “mass media”?
T. The mass media consists of  Publishing, Audio Recording, Broadcasting, Films and Digital Media.
What do you know about publishing?
 S. Publishing is divided into magazines, books and newspapers. Magazines are one of the basic mass media. You can choose any magazine according to your interests. There are many kinds of them: about sports, cookery, fashion, cars, nature, fishing.
T:  The ancient mass media are books, do you agree with me?
S: As I know many years ago books were written by hand. Ivan Fedorov  began to print books in Russia in  the 15th century. Printing opened the new world of thoughts and knowledge that changed the lives of millions everywhere. Now we have a lot of books in libraries, in shops and at home. There are many kinds of books: novels, poems, dictionaries, encyclopedias, adventures, thrillers, detective stories, horror stories, science fiction and etc. Many of them are interesting, appealing and creative. They make people laugh, think, and invent new things.

T. What do you think about newspapers? Are they important nowadays?
S. Yes, they are. All the newspapers can be divided into two groups: quality (broadsheet) papers and popular (tabloid) papers.
T: Thanks. And how about Broadcasting? 
S: I think that Radio and Television are the most popular and favourite ones for all people.
2.  Reading
a) Pre- reading
T: Now TV is one of the most important mass media. We can hardly imagine our life without TV. I think you know much about TV. Prove it answering my questions.
Answer the questions.
·        What is your favourite TV channel?
·        How often do you usually watch TV?
·        When do you usually watch TV?
·        What are your favourite programmes?
T. Before reading, answer the question “Do you agree that TV has positive and negative sides? What sides are predominant to your mind?”

                                          Advantages and disadvantages of TV

   Watching TV, you know, is the perfect way to spend our free time. Do you agree? Or maybe you don’t? It’s a well known fact that TV has good and bad sides. 
   First of all it keeps people informed; we can learn a lot of information watching TV. We can choose programmes that appeal to us more, because TV provides programmes for all interests. Sometimes with the help of TV we can relax, entertain ourselves, especially when we are tired.
   Advertisement on TV gives us information about different products, and it makes it easier to choose things to buy. When we watch TV we learn something new about the world, famous people and recent news.
   But, on the other hand, TV has a lot of disadvantages. It takes a lot of time and it makes us lazy. Besides, it’s very harmful for our health, especially for our eyes. Some violent programmes and films on TV make people violent. Violence becomes a vital problem in our days.
  There is too much advertisement on TV. Sometimes it can encourage us to buy things we don’t need at all. Watching TV takes all free time from almost all people. We just watch it, not concentrate, and waste time.
  So, we can’t say exactly whether it’s useful to watch TV or not, as TV has its advantages and disadvantages.
  Millions people in the world spend hours watching TV every day… But what for? Do people really think it’s the best way to spend time?
    Many people become TV-addicted and it’s really a problem of our time. But the fact is that “so many people, so many minds!” And what do you think?
c) Post – reading.
Comprehension test:
  T:   Make up the table, using facts from the text
(it’s better to divide the class into two groups, the first one  has to find the advantages of watching TV, the second one has to find the disadvantages of watching TV)
Try to express the main idea of the text in several sentences.
advantages of watching TV                                disadvantages of watching TV
1. it keeps people informed                                    1.it takes a lot of time
2.  we can learn a lot of information                     2.it makes us lazy
3.  TV provides programmes for all interest         3.some violent programmes
                                                                               and films on TV make people                                                                      
4.  we can relax, entertain ourselves                     4. advertisement on TV can  
                                                                               encourage us to buy things we                 
                                                                               don’t need                    
5. we learn something new about the                   5. TV takes all free time
world, famous people and recent news
6. TV gives us information  about different         6. it’s very harmful for our
 products                                                                health                                                                3. Writing
T. Write the TV programmes from the box in order of their importance for you. The first one is the programme you enjoy most of all, the last one is the programme you like least of all. 
Comedies, cartoons, action films, talk shows, soaps, science fiction films, adventure films, new programmes, thrillers, educational programmes, game shows.

4. Speaking.
Filling gaps:
Write what you think about the following programmes –
 How to Become a Millionaire?
Hidden Camera;
Risk Factor;
BBC – the Wildlife. (The expressions in the blocks can help you.)
I like watching… very much…
I enjoy watching … very much
I can’t say that I like watching … very much …
I hate watching …

… because it helps me relax.
… because I can get the information useful for my studies.
… because it’s not very intelligent.
… as it is very exciting to watch.
… because sometimes you can see curious things there.

I try never to miss it when it is on.
I turn off the TV immediately.
I watch it only when I have absolutely nothing to do.
Example: I can’t say that I like watching Hidden Camera  very much because it’s not very intelligent. I watch it only when I have absolutely nothing to do.
5. Discussing the problem
T.: At present there is a lot of advertising on TV and radio. The film you are watching on TV may be interrupted several times by a call to use a new perfume or drink,a certain coffee. The same advertisements are repeated several times every day and it bores the viewers.
What is your attitude to advertisements?
6. Homework
What advantages and disadvantages does the Internet have?

Your task is to make a presentation to prove your opinion.

6 клас
Тема уроку: Їжа. Продукти харчування.

·        Практична: повторити вивчені у попередніх класах назви продуктів та ввести нові лексичні одиниці до теми, формувати навички читання з повним розумінням прочитаного;
·        Освітня: поглибити знання учнів про класифікацію продуктів харчування;
·        Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію;
·        Виховна : виховувати культуру спілкування , прищеплювати прагнення використовувати здобуті знання як засобу інтелектуального самоствердження.

Обладнання: лексичні картки до теми, аркуші з таблицею для       роботи у групі.
Хід уроку.
1.     Оргмомент.
Організація класу. Привітання. Введення у іншомовну атмосферу.
How do you do, my dears? Are you in a good mood? Are you ready for the lesson? We have got an interesting and unusual lesson today. 

2.     Мовна розминка. «Аукціон продуктів»: Учні «купують» страви, називаючи переклад назв продуктів, які оголошує учитель. За кожен правильний переклад учень отримує фішку у формі яблука. Перемагає учень з найбільшою кількістю фішок.
A salad, an apple, bread, fruit, cheese, jam, a  tomato, an orange, a banana, a cake, a lemon, sausage, egg.
     Фонетична розминка.

3.     Основна частина уроку.
Повідомлення теми уроку. Мотивація навчальної діяльності
So, as you see, we are beginning a new topic – “ Food”. Do you think we’ll have good time learning it? Is it important to be able to speak on this topic? And you will be able not to speak, but to read, listen and understand the menus, the prices, the recipes of the dishes and many other useful things. Shall we start?
1.     Ведення ЛО теми уроку
·        Читання  вправи 1 ст.56 підручника з наступним обговоренням.
·        Формування навичок вживання лексики.
1.     Гра «Великий комбінатор: за допомогою слів із вправи 1на ст.56 підручника складіть словосполучення та запишіть їх на дошці. 
2.     Гра «Bingo!»: учні записують будь-які 3 словосполучення із дошки. Учитель називає словосполучення у довільному порядку, учні підкреслюють названі словосполучення у зошиті. Виграє учень, який найпершим закреслив усі 3 словосполучення, він отримує 3 очки.
·        Формування навичок діалогічного мовлення. Робота у парах вправа 3, с. 56.
Try to answer the questions:
What is your favourite food?  What food do you hate?
Ask the same questions the other pupils of your group to fill in the table.
     ·    Фізкультхвилинка
·        Формування навичок читання. Вправа 6 ст.57 підручника
·        Формування навичок письма Вправа 8, с. 58

4.     Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання учнів.
Our lesson is almost over. Did you enjoy it? What new things have you learned today? 

5.     Домашнє завдання. Вправа 1 ст.56; Вправа 7, с. 58.

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